
Did you know that the number of words in a text translated into different languages can vary by as much as 25%?

That could really change the design and the perfect layout of your print material!

And that’s before you even think about the fact that publishing and design software isn’t even made for translations, so you’ll need to prepare both the source and the translated texts!

What’s even worse is that if the files that you wanted to translate can’t be edited, or if you can’t give us a version that can be edited, it will need some serious work, because a non-editable file is like a snapshot of an original source file, a picture or a hard copy.

The most common non-editable file formats are PDFs (Portable Document Format), scans, images with non-editable content, certain websites (using Flash for example) where the source files aren’t available, such as faxes and hard copies.

Who do you think is best placed to insert your translations into documents that are ready to publish? A graphic designer or a translator? Would you be happy to let graphic designers typeset a text in a language they don’t understand? How will they deal with word breaks, or making sure text is aligned properly?

Thanks to our in-house team and our relationship with strategic partners and a network of experts, we can advise you and manage your multilingual print material, whether it’s brochures, catalogues, manuals, leaflets, annual reports, corporate newsletters or emails.

Our typesetting service includes:

  • Preparing the content for translation;
  • Typesetting all of the translated content;
  • Checking word and line breaks;
  • Checking fonts (size, type and form);
  • Making sure that any images and colours are suitable for the target markets;
  • Checking the layout of the content;
  • Checking numbering.

Need some typesetting for your translated documents?